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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  April 14, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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today is thursday april 14th. 3 newark new jersey-x factor
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audtiins-candace dold there liie 3 maps-fiber-maps please 3
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p triple shooting near dundalk leads county police on a chase into baltimore officer was hurt... and three others werr taken to the hospital two of them are teenagers. megan gilliland is live with the latest on their conditions and ore oo ow this scene unfolded. gooddmorning patrice,it starts here on south avondale road in dundalk.around eight ocllck shot here.the two suspects e - then take off in a car...and a high speed police chasee begins... taking them through baltimore city... where it fiially endd at reistertoon road and
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northern parkway here in northwest baltimore. baltimore.the purruit involved some witnesses say they saw as - many as 15 police cars chasing the suspeets ii a black chevrolet camaro. 10:00:40one of our officers on dundalk avenue saw the suspect veeiclee that ooficer pursed the ccr through the city. 10:34:48i know it reached high speeds bbt the officers were safe in pursuinn this cass. case. the two adult suspects were finally arreeted and taken into word et on who they are.during thh chase though, aacity pollce officer was injured and taken to the hospital... with noo liie threatening injuries. as or the shooting victims... we peenage boys....the third is described as a girllin her
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are all expected to be okay. police believe an argument at dundalk hiih school triggered the shootings and all that followed.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. two people are taken to the -3h fire in baltimore county. county.the fire bbokk out at a home on dorsey avenue in essex ust before 3 this morning.tte fire deparrment confirms that two adultt were taken to the wwrd on the extent of their injuriesswe have a crew on the way to the scene and willl bring you he latess as soon as it becomes available. bbltimore city police say they have a "person of interest" in custody...for a murder in the neighborhood. jhoma blackwell was found dead inside her home in remington last month.she was a coppin state universityynursing student.. who was stabbed to death.police say no charges have been filed yet... but they have brought a "person of interest" in for quessioning. 3 a downtown building is added to the city's list of hhitoric landmarks ... at least temporar.
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temporarily. read's drug store was the site of a lunch civil rights movementtin the 50's. last month proteetors rallied to preserve it ... after reports that it was about toobe torn down. a develooer reached a deal to ppeserve two of the outer walls of the building ... which still wasn'' enough now the city's preservation committee has status to the buulding. a search is underway in baltiimre county... for a flash. flasher.police say a man exposed himself to two young morning near carney elementary. two 9-year-ooddboys were walking on upton road... when they accepted a ride to school from a stranger. the man of them to touch him sked one - &pinappropriitely... but they ran away.the boys later told a teacher ... and a letter as sent home to parents. "we're appealing to parents to remind their ids, no matter what the conditions are, if it's raining snowing, whatever might be gging on outside not to accept rides from ssrangerr anddnot to get into a vehicle with someone they o not know." know." mustachh aad dentaa braaes. he
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was driving a faded red s-u-v or minivan with a car seat in the back. anyone with information should call police. of a horror movie. ot new york authorities say they've found moreehuman remains on long island ... as the hunttcontinues for a possible serial killerr &p and today, áairá to find new evidence. tommy andres reports. reports. -3 3
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ffr. -end--cnn.scripting for. 3 3 3 president obama unveiled his budget plans ... and we're following the money. money.he called for cuts o domestic and defense spending... while trimming the growth of medicare spending. the president criticized republican congressman paul rran's plan to reform medicare and medicaid spendinn in the 2012 budget. boehner says: "i think paul ryan has set the bar in terms of tte kind of targets that we need to meet ann the kind of seriousseffort
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that is required given the debts that we have." obama says: "but we cannot afford $$ trillion worth of tax cuts for every milliooaire and billionaire in our society. 14:19:11 and i phe prrsident's plan call for 4 trillion dollars in deficit reduction over the next 12 government will pverspend y 4 trillion... les. reality the federal governnent will still add more than 7 trillion dollars to the national debt tte next e. decade.bringing the national debt to 21 point 4 trillion pollars by 20-22. the president gives a major policy speech about reducing the national debt .... during which the vice pressdent is áslá leaat that's what many say it looked like. ddring president obama's 44 minute speech yesteeday ... camera's caught joe bidennlooking very relaxed ... with his eyes closed forr25 seconds. he ppened them when the president
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said .."tough luck you're on your own." but apparently biden wasn't on his own ... while his eyes were closed ... all eyes were on him. 150 years ago this week, the civil war began with bloodshed right here in baltimo. &pbaltimore. joel d. smith ii live in mount vernonn to show how thh arland hhstorical sociity, is commemorrting maryland's unique role in the nation's deadliest war. good morning
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3pabst says: "when i heard her &pfall, i knew she passed out. // iiheard a bigg a banggnoise and i knew it was my mom ..." ..."this five year old.. is a hero!seth pabst's mother... had a ssizure... and passed out in thier new ohio home.he immediately called 9---1, but only knew the street ame where he was.the dispatcher told him to ook outsidd for the house number... and "he knows i have seizures , y husband and i have taught him i at the house alone." alone..seth's mom is okay. thew seth a pizza - coming up on the early edition... a singing competition ... for everyone... everyone...nats of people singing. (young and old) old)auditions for imon cowell's newwshowwthe "x- factor" are underway in newark, newwjersey, and weere taking you there...we'll check in with candace dold, whose there ... live. livee 3
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3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) maps-liberty- providence-fiber-back maps-liberty-aa libs)) maps-liberty-
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providence-fiber-back to maps please coming up... up...... less firrng ... more seems employment is onnthe upswing.find out how many jobs are up for grabs.
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3 singing nats natsit's a competition .. for everyone!simon cowell leaves his "idol" roots for a new show called.. the "x factor". it's a singing competition... there's o age limit.. and you prize if you win?five illlon this fall, but audtions are air ssarting now. &pcandace dold is live in newar new jersey where fans are singing their hearts out for a chance at the 5- million grand prize.candacee candace? 3
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3 3&pyooucan catch the series premiere f the x-facttr this ffll righh here on fox45. 3straight ahead... you're hired!businesses are adding to the payroll...find out how many jobs employers are lookinggtt fill. york... literallyythe laaddark is nextting for investors... - ((break 3))
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,3 the earthquake in japan is affeeting work in the u-s... pieces of the empire state buildinn are up for grabs... and s elizabeth macdonaad explains ... it looks ikk it's getting easier to land a 3
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&p coming up...
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back... because she was fat.e was...a trippe shooting ear dundalk takke baltimore county police on a high speed chaae catch the suspeets?i'm megan gilliland, how it ends straight ahead. ahead.
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